The Ladies Sisterhood
It could be composed by women of all ages whenever they has received the first communion, except people who have given their names to secret societies, that is, public sinners, adherent to suspected societies or who seek to substrate to the genuine surveillance of the church. The purposes of the sisterhood will be the same of the guild.
However, it has, according to the article 2 of its estates, some specific purposes, they are:
1) The custody or ornaments, furniture, holy glasses, and other things which the property of the church.
2) To take care of the adorn and cleanliness of the Altar of the Blessed Christ by means of waitresses designated by the Sisterhood Managerial and according to the Spiritual Director.
3) To manage, with the authorization of the Spiritual Director, the funds collected by the sisterhood in the collection carried out by the church, intending them preferably to cults to the Holy Christ and the funds that the guild could provide for suffrages to late female partners and charity works with the underprivileged, creating in this way a section of charity in the apostleship similar to the one established by the guild.
4) To promote with the example and all propaganda media the attendance of all dependable to cults which to the honor of the holy Christ of the victory are celebrated in the morning and in the afternoon during the third Friday of each month.
In March 1936, the vicar D. Faustino Ande García was assembled with Mrs Margarita Conde (Bárcena’ widow), with Mrs Victoria López de Núñez and with Josefa Fernández Serra to communicate them that they had been designated by the bishop as president, secretary and treasurer. Form this moment, it was canonically established the sisterhood.
Presidents of the Sisterhood:
Margarita Conde Pascual (1953-1972)
Mª Paz Sanjurjo Cantero (1973-1990)
Mª del Pilar Gil Curbera (1990-1997)
Junta of ladies:
Mª Gloria Varela Baquero
Margot Mondita Docet
Mercedes Gómez Orellana
Laura Molíns Rodríguez
Porfirio Sánchez Guerra
Concepción Sanjurjo Aranaz
Dolores Castro Nieto
Gloria Varela Barquero
Mercedes Gómez Fernández
Emma Gómez Voigt
Maruja Vda del Cardenal
Carmela Gómez Orellana
Concepción Sanjurjo Aranaz
Mª Antonia Comendador
Lidia Otero