The Eldest Brother

When in 1953, the regulation for the transformation of gentlemen brotherhood in a guild where women had a place was approved, the power for the eldest brother to convoke the Permanent Commission or the Assemble Plenary in extraordinary sessions was established.

The guild was elected by voting in all its posts but a strong engagement was not always supposed among then members. Thus, in the meeting held by the Assembly on September 30th, the eldest brother Jose Manuel Conde  proposed a reform by means of which the eldest brother would be elected by the chapter and once in possession of the post, together with the Director Spiritual would elect his collaborators with the purpose of feeling helped by all the assembly in their commitment, avoiding in this way that then posts were occupied by alien persons and all work the management of the guild is call to perform.

In the statutes of that year, the position of Eldest Brother could only be occupied by a man. The last statutes (2003) change the previous one and allow that this position could be occupied by a woman.

Eldest Brothers throughout history

Mr Tomás Santero Villavicencio (1933-1952)

Mr Fernando Conde de Ponte (1952-1956)

Mr José Manuel Conde de Ponte (1957-1960)

Mr Ignacio Nandín Sobrino (1961-1962)

Mr José Manuel Conde de Ponte (1963-1972)

Mr Ricardo Torres Quiroga (1973-1987)

Mr José Manuel López-Chaves Meléndez (1988-1997)

Mrs Pilar Gil Curbera (1997). 1st woman who occupies the maximum position. Resigned voluntarily.

Mr José María Nandín Nandín (1998-1999)

Mr Francisco Castro (1999-2005)

Mrs Marora Martín- Caloto Alonso (2005 currently)

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